Klimt exhibition at Neue Gallery. My friend A. introduced me to this amazing gallery and I strongly recommend it combined with a visit to Guggenheim museum,3 blocks further.
Kerouac exhibition at the Public Library.Everything you want to know about the writer of "
On the Road" A Beautiful Soul ....
Having tea at Corner Cafe Shop,Bleecker and Broadway with T.
Brunch at Havana Cafe in Noho with A.and C.
Strolling around in Soho and Village with beloved friends.
Dinner with D. and A., without voice but with vivid spirit
Drinking the best martini ever!
and of course buying Shoes and Bookssss......
avocado places:
Turks and Frogs,West Village
55 Bar, Christopher Str
Ice cream on West 4rth
V Bar, Sullivan Street
coconut places:
Pepe Rosso,Sullivan Street
Balthazar, Spring Street
Antique Garage, Mercer Street
Asia De Cuba, Madisson Avenue
Hudson Hotel
Veselka, 9th and 2nd Avenue
Carnegie Delli, 7th Avenue