Monday, December 24, 2007

Ξένοι and cats

For those who haven't read Luis Sepulveda, I have a proposal.
Find the book, Story Of A Seagull And The Cat Who Taught Her To Fly, and please read it!
It's exactly what the title describes..
Being back home for Christmas I was surprised to find 4 new cats at my parents garden.
As they told me the first two were raised by a male cat( the panda) and subsequently these two cats "adopted" two grey kitties..
As a human being I feel ashamed by the lesson these cats gave me..
It reminded me once more how wild our human world is, especially towards those we call in greek Ξένος....

Today, December 30 I woke up with bad of the cats was killed by a car..the rest mourn...they lost their father,their brother, the one who protected them...
Adio File...

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