Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Being 30

Today I became officially 30..
It's a wierd feeling which makes me smile...couldn't define it, until a friend who stood by me in difficult times sent me this:

“Being thirty is good.

Because twenties are finished. The ages of not knowing what to do, finding yourself drifted to strange shores and then trying to return to yourself from those shores are over. Didn’t you go far away from yourself following several men and women, and then try hard to become yourself again?


Now you stand on the hill between the sweetness of youth and wisdom of aging. Now you can take the roads without fear.You are now you.

What others think of you do not matter any more. You are now a rock, life hits your outskirts like ocean waves. The words, the malices fade like water bubbles. You stand still where you are. The wind sings over you, you smile.


But, you also know how to like yourself without exaggerating. You are wise, and nice. Although you feel deeply annoyed from time to time, you know how to heal yourself.

Being thirty is good. Because you are thirty!”

Ece Temelkuran, quoted and translated by a purple heart only for Kelebek.

It's true...this is how I feel....

Same Day: Fidel Castro stepped down after 60 years in power
In Juba-Sourthern Sudan, the LRA and the Ugandan Government signed an accord on the mechanisms implementing Agenda item 3 on Accountability and Reconciliation Agreement

Always wanted to go to Cuba before Castro's withdrawal and the events in Uganda are linked to article 53

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