Saturday, November 22, 2008

Not everybody is used to these frequencies...

Last night I had one of the most interesting music experiences!
I went to an experimental Scandinavian-Japanese jazz concert!When we entered the place we were given a pair of earplugs cause as the sign said..not everybody is used to those frequencies!
Between lots of laughing since one friend was a jazz virgin and we thought that after that she would never go to a jazz concert again, the night was simply the definition of globalisation:
a Canadian, an Irish and a Greek having dinner in a Spanish restaurant, going to a unique concert in Ireland!!!!!!!!!!
This morning my dad called me to listen to a Greek radio was an interesting conversation among 3 Greek intellectuals on globalisation, economic crisis,environmental degradation, social justice!
then I read an article on the new movie of Theo Angelopoulos, the Dust of Time, the second movie of a trilogy covering the last 50 years of Greek history via the life of one woman Eleni, who is looking for the absolute love...
Lately I'm very pessimist about my country, I feel I don't belong there...nothing seems to work..
but this morning I felt that things happen...simply not everyone is used to these frequencies...

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